D. and I were talking the other day, speculating, as girls do, about a mutual friend's love life, home life, work life and life life as follows:
--Why doesn't B. have a boyfriend?
--She must put men off with that attitude of hers. Plus, remember her last boyfriend? She's probably off men for good reason.
--I wonder what she would think if she could hear us right now. Oh man, would we be in trouble.
--Why? Everybody talks about everybody else. You should hear what she says about you.
Oops. That was me saying the last line above. Idiot. D. then turned the spotlight on me and our friendship with each other.
--What do you mean? What were you and B. saying about me? Do you always talk about me?
I had to think fast to cover over this one and move it in a direction that wouldn't make me look so bad.
--Oh c'mon, D. We've had this conversation before. People always gossip about each other. It's not even about you--it's just human nature to talk about each other. It's some tribal instinct to ensure the survival of the species. Why do you even care what people say about you?
--Because I want to know. Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall and hear what people really say about you when you're not around?
--Oh god no, that would be horrible. I don't want to know. What's the point? I'd just get more self-obsessed than I already am.

So, dear readers, what do you say? Do you want to know what people say about you or don't you? Do friends talk about each other out of love and affection or malice aforethought? Idle gossip or malicious slander?